
The concordance-nf pipeline...


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    parameters              description                    Set/Default
    ==========              ===========                    =======

    --debug                 Set to 'true' to test          false
    --cores                 Regular job cores              4
    --out                   Directory to output results    concordance-<todays date>
    --sample_sheet          fastq file (see help)          sample_sheet.tsv
    --fq_prefix             fastq file (see help)          null
    --reference             Reference Genome               WS245/WS245.fa.gz
    --bamdir                Location for bams              bam
    --tmpdir                A temporary directory          tmp/
    --email                 Email to be sent results




The concordance pipeline is used to detect sample swaps, identify samples with quality issues, and determine which wild isolate strains should be grouped together as an isotype. When performing sequencing, we often sequence the same DNA library or strain multiple times in order to attain adequate coverage. To ensure that samples are labeled properly we examine whether they contain discordant variant calls based on what strain they are labeled as.

The concordance-nf pipeline will proceed to group FASTQs labeled as a strain regardless of the quality of the data. Therefore, if issues are suspected the problemetic data needs to be removed and the pipeline rerun. More details are available below.

To determine which strains belong to the same isotype we use two criteria. First we look at the strains that group together with a concordance threshold of 99.9%. Generally this will group most isotypes without issue. However, it is possible that you will run into cases where the grouping is not clean. For example, strain A groups with B, B groups with C, but C does not group with A. In these cases you must examine the data closely to identify why strains are incompletely grouping. Our second criteria we use to group isotypes may address these types of groupings.

The second criteria that we use to group isotypes regards looking for regional differences among strains. If two strains are similar but possess a region of their genome (binned at 1 Mb) that differs by more than 2% then we will separate them out into their own isotypes.

The process of grouping isotypes is very hand-on. This pipeline will help process the data but you must carefully review the output and investigate closely.


There is at least one exception to the 99.9% cutoff rule we use to determine isotypes.

We classify LSJ1 and N2 as separate isotypes despite the fact that they are greater than 99.9% identical. The strains are known to have diverged from one another, but work has demonstrated significant genetic and phenotypic differences.


The nextflow.config file sets most of the defaults you need to get the pipeline running locally for debugging purposes or on Quest.

Debugging the pipeline locally

The pipeline comes with a test dataset that you can use to make changes or fix problems. When running locally, you should install the andersen-lab-env which will install all the required dependencies.

Fetching the reference

You will need a reference genome to align to. You can fetch one by running the following command:

curl > WS245.tar.gz
tar -xvzf WS245.tar.gz

Run the pipeline locally by setting -profile debug:

nextflow run -profile debug -resume

Debugging the pipeline on Quest

When running on Quest, you should first run the quest debug profile. The Quest debug profile will use the test dataset and sample sheet which runs much faster and will encounter errors much sooner should they need to be fixed. If the debug dataset runs to completion it is likely that the full dataset will as well.

nextflow run -profile quest_debug -resume --email <your email>

Running the pipeline on Quest

The pipeline can be run on Quest using the following command:

nextflow run -profile quest -resume --email <your email>


The nextflow profiles configured in nextflow.config are designed to make it so that you don't need to change the parameters. However, the pipeline offers this flexibility if it is ever called for.


The number of cores to use during alignments and variant calling.


A directory in which to output results. By default it will be concordance-YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is todays date.


The sample sheet to use. Normally you can use the sample_sheet.tsv located in the base of the repo. This sample sheet is constructed usign scripts/

When running with -debug the sample sheet located in test_data/sample_sheet.tsv will be used.

More information on the sample sheet and adding new sequence data on the Sample sheet page section.


A prefix path for FASTQs defined in the sample sheet. The sample sheet designed for usage on Quest (sample_sheet.tsv) uses absolute paths so no FASTQ prefix is necessary. It is set to null by default.


A fasta reference indexed with BWA. On Quest, the reference is available here:



A directory for storing temporary data.


A directory to output strain-level BAM files to. On Quest this is set by default to



Set an email to get notified when the pipeline succeeds or fails.





An image showing the distribution of pairwise concordances across all strains. The cutoff is at 99.9% above which pairs are considered to be in the same isotype unless issues arise.


concordance above 99

A close up view of the concordances showing more detail.


This is the most important output file. It illustrates the isotypes identified for each strain and identifies potential issues.

A file with the following structure:

group strain isotype latitude longitude coverage unique_isotypes_per_group unique_groups_per_isotype strain_in_multiple_isotypes location_issue strain_conflict
1 AB1 AB1 -34.93 138.59 69.4687 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE
112 AB4 CB4858 -34.93 138.59 158.358 1 1 FALSE TRUE TRUE
112 ECA251 CB4858 34.1 -118.1 73.5843 1 1 FALSE TRUE TRUE
112 JU1960 CB4858 34.1897 -118.131 55.0373 1 1 FALSE TRUE TRUE
175 BRC20067 BRC20067 24.073 121.17 33.5934 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE
175 BRC20113 BRC20067 24.1242 121.283 38.9916 1 1 FALSE FALSE FALSE
186 BRC20231 MY23 23.5415 120.908 44.1452 1 1 FALSE TRUE TRUE
186 MY23 MY23 51.96 7.53 132.185 1 1 FALSE TRUE TRUE
  • group - A number used to group strains (in each row) into an isotype automatically. This number should be unique with the isotype column (e.g. 1--> AB1, 112 --> CB4858, BRC20067 --> 175). The number can change between analyses.
  • strain - the strain
  • isotype - the currently assigned isotype for a strain taken from the WI Strain Info spreadsheet. When new strains are added this is blank.
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • coverage - Depth of coverage for strain.
  • unique_isotypes_per_group - Number of unique isotypes when grouping by the group column. This should be 1. If it is more than 1, it indicates that multiple isotypes were assigned to a grouping and that a previously assigned isotype is now being called into question.
  • unique_groups_per_isotype Number of unique groups assigned to an isotype. This should be 1. If it is higher than 1, it indicates that a strain is concordant with strains in two different isotypes (including blanks). If it is equal to 2 and contains blanks in the isotype column it likely means that an isotype should be assigned to that strain.
  • strain_in_multiple_isotypes - Indicates that a strain is falling into multiple isotypes (a problem!).
  • location_issue - Indicates a location issue. This occurs when strains fall into an isotype but are located far away from one another. Some are known issues and can be ignored.
  • strain_conflict - TRUE if any issue is present that should be investigated.


File produced using bcftools gtcheck; Raw genotype differences between strains.


Gives a count of the number of isotypes identified.


Number of heterozygous sites/strain. Can be an indicator of mixed samples or other issues.


Intra-strain FASTQ-pair concordances. The format is:

concordance/pairwise/ (directory)

Contains images showing locations where regional discordance occurs among strains classified as being the isotype. You must look through all these images to ensure there are no strains being grouped that have regions with significant differences (> 2%). The image below illustrates an example of this. ED3049 and ED3046 are highly similar (> 99.9%). However, they differ in a region on the right arm of chromosome II. We believe this was enough reason to consider them separate isotypes.

pairwise example



Summary of duplicate reads (determined by picard).


The following files are output in the fastq directory

fq_bam_idxstats.tsv   # Stats generated with `samtools idxstats`
fq_bam_stats.tsv      # Stats generated with `samtools stats`
fq_coverage.full.tsv  # Detailed coverage numbers
fq_coverage.tsv       # Summary coverage of individual fastqs.


The following files are output in the strain directory

strain_bam_idxstats.tsv   # Stats generated with `samtools idxstats`
strain_bam_stats.tsv      # Stats generated with `samtools stats`
strain_coverage.full.tsv  # Detailed coverage numbers
strain_coverage.tsv       # Summary coverage for strains.



The union-variant sitelist from all strains.


Locations of the union VCFs.


The raw VCF. The following filters are applied before calculating concordance:

    min_depth>3        # Minimum Depth
    qual>30            # Quality (VCF=QUAL)
    mq>40              # Mapping Quality
    dv_dp=0.5          # DV/DP > 0.5 (high-quality allelic ALT bases over total depth)
    max_missing<0.05   # Max number of missing sites cannot exceed 5%


Filtered VCF, filtered for true SNPs (no monomorphic sites)


Stats from concordance vcf. Contains the number of SNPs.