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This function will flag non-worm objects using machine learning.


classifierOF(data, model = "gbm2x", thresh = 0.6)



A data frame output from the modelSelection function.


Specify one of the built in models. Currently only "gbm2x" is available. This classifier was trained on over 1,000 worm objects selected from a large GWAS experiment and classifies objects as "worm" or "non-worm" with ~90 NOTE: The model was trained to classify poorly segmented worms as 'non-worm' so true worms are often classified as "non-worm".


The probability threshold for flagging objects based on the classifier. By default the thresh is st to 0.6. Only the objects the classifier predicts to be improperly segmented, with a probability greater than thres, will be flagged.


A single data frame identical to the input data with the classifier_ObjectFlag variable added. The classifier_ObjectFlag variable is coded as "classifier" for objects that are called non-worm by the 2X classifier. All other objects are coded as NA_character, or if there are NAs in any of the variables used to classify objects they are coded as "classErr". The gbm2x_worm_prob variable provides the probability that the object is a properly segmented worm.