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This function will flag wells that have too many or too few objects.


nWF(data, ..., max = 30, min = 5, plot = T)



A data frame output from the summarizeWells function.


<[`dynamic-dots`][rlang::dyn-dots]> Variable(s) used to group data for ploting. Variable names in data are supplied separated by commas and without quotes.


A numeric value used to flag wells with too many objects. The default is 30.


A numeric value used to flag wells with too few objects. The default is 5.


Logical, if TRUE, the default. A ggplot2 object will be returned showing the distribution of object counts in wells (n).


Either a single data frame identical to the input data with the n_WellFlag variable added. The n_WellFlag variable is coded as "n<min" or n>max for wells with object counts (n) outside the range set by max and min. Or, if plot = T, a list with two elements, the first element is the data frame, the other is the diagnostic plot.