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This function will flag outlier objects based the worm_length_um variable.


outlierOF(data, iqr = TRUE, thresh = NULL, filterOF = TRUE)



A data frame output from the modelSelection function.


Logical, if TRUE, objects in a well are called outliers if their worm_length_um is outside the range median(worm_length_um) +/- (thresh * IQR). If FALSE, objects in a well are called outliers if their worm_length_um is outside the range mean(worm_length_um) +/- (thresh * SD). The default is TRUE. NOTE: The Interquartile Range (IQR) method is useful for most distributions. The Standard Deviation (SD) method should only be applied to normal distributions.


A numeric value used to calculate outliers. By default this parameter is set to NULL. If thresh = NULL then it is set to the recommended values within the function: (1.5 if iqr = TRUE) and (3 if iqr = FALSE).


Logical, if TRUE any flagged objects detected in data are not considered for the calculation of outliers.


A single data frame identical to the input data with the outlier_ObjectFlag variable added. The outlier_ObjectFlag variable is coded as "outlier" for objects deemed outliers and NA_character_ for non-outliers.