Make .png thumbnails from .TIF files in the raw_images directory. Making
thumbs from .TIFs requires ImageMagick to be
installed on your system. To install imagemagick with Homebrew, enter:brew install imagemagick
into the terminal.
- project_dir
The full path to the project directory containing the raw_images subdirectory.
- plates
a vector with plate numbers to make thumbs for. This vector is used to match plate patterns in the filelist.
will make thumbs for wells in all plates.13:72
will make thumbs for wells in plates p13 - p72.c(1, 3, 106)
will make thumbs for wells in plates p01, p03, and p106.- max_dim
The maximum dimension of the resized images in pixels. The default value is 512, which scales a 2048 pixel image to 6.25 percent of its original resolution.