
GWA Mapping and Simulation with C. elegans, C. tropicalis, and C. briggsae

Pipeline overview

O~~~     O~~                                   O~~ ~~
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O~~ O~~  O~~   O~~    O~~~ O~~ O~~    O~~     O~~         O~~~   O~~    O~~ O~~
O~~  O~~ O~~ O~   O~~  O~~  O~  O~~ O~~  O~~    O~~     O~~    O~~  O~~  O~~  O~~
O~~   O~ O~~O~~~~~ O~~ O~~  O~  O~~O~~   O~~       O~~ O~~    O~~   O~~  O~~  O~~
O~~    O~ ~~O~         O~~  O~  O~~O~~   O~~ O~~    O~~ O~~   O~~   O~~  O~~  O~~
O~~      O~~  O~~~~   O~~~  O~  O~~  O~~ O~~~  O~~ ~~     O~~~  O~~ O~~~O~~~  O~~

parameters              description                                            Set/Default
==========              ===========                                            ========================
--traitfile             Name of file containing strain and phenotype           (required)
--vcf                   Generally a CeNDR release date or path to vcf          (optional - 20210121)
--species               c_elegans, c_briggsae, or c_tropicalis                 (optional - c_elegans)
--sthresh               Significance level for QTL                             (optional - BF)
--maf                   Minimum minor allele frequency                         (optional - 0.05)

# just a subset of main parameters for the mapping profle...

Software Requirements

  • This pipeline requires Nextflow version 20.0+. On QUEST, you can access this version by loading the nf20 conda environment prior to running the pipeline command:
module load python/anaconda3.6
source activate /projects/b1059/software/conda_envs/nf20_env

Alternatively you can update Nextflow by running:

nextflow self-update
  • On QUEST, all software requirements are provided within the pipeline using conda environments or a docker image. To run the pipeline outside of QUEST, you can load the docker image containing all necessary software, see more in profiles below.

Required Software Packages (Loaded with conda or docker)

Just for reference, pipeline keeps track of all software versions with conda or docker

  1. R-v3.6.0
  2. nextflow-v20.0+
  3. BCFtools-v1.9
  4. plink-v1.9
  5. bedtools-2.29.2
  6. pandoc=2.12
  7. R-coop-0.6-2
  8. R-cowplot-1.0.0
  9. R-data.table-1.12.8
  10. R-DT-0.12
  11. R-genetics-
  12. R-ggbeeswarm-v0.6
  13. R-ggnewscale=0.4.5
  14. R-ggrepel=0.8.2
  15. R-knitr-1.28
  16. R-plotly-4.9.2
  17. R-Rcpp-1.0.1
  18. R-rmarkdown-2.1
  19. R-RSpectra-v0.13-1
  20. R-sommer-4.0.4
  21. R-tidyverse-v1.3.0



It is not necessary to first download the git repo before running. However, you could still choose to do so with git clone

Testing/debugging the mapping profile

If you are trying to run a GWAS mapping with NemaScan, it might be a good idea to first run the debug test. This test takes only a few minutes and if it completes successfully, there is a good chance your real data run will also finish.

nextflow run andersenlab/nemascan --debug

To display the help message, run nextflow run andersenlab/nemascan --help

Profiles and Parameters

Mappings Profile

This is the standard profile for running NemaScan. Use this profile to perform a genome-wide analysis with your trait of interest. To be explicit, you can use -profile mappings, however if no profile is provided, the pipeline will default to this one.

nextflow run andersenlab/nemascan -profile mappings --vcf 20210121 --traitfile input_data/c_elegans/phenotypes/PC1.tsv


You can also run specific branches or previous git commits easily. This can be especially useful to ensure that the version of NemaScan that you use doesn't change as you prepare your manuscript even if the code is updated. All you need to do is add a -r XXX to the end of your command, where XXX can be either (1) name of git branch, (2) name of git repo release, or (3) git commit ID For all runs, you can find the exact git commit used to run your analysis in the Nextflow report output after each run

nextflow run andersenlab/nemascan --vcf 20210121 --traitfile input_data/c_elegans/phenotypes/PC1.tsv -r fa7046475fcfd06a49b375b4ef24a761f5133600

Check out this page for more tips and troubleshooting running Nextflow.


CeNDR release date for the VCF file with variant data (i.e. "20210121") Hard-filter VCF will be used for the GWA mapping and imputed VCF will be used for fine mapping. If this flag is not used, the most recent VCF for the C. elegans species will be downloaded from CeNDR.


If you want to use a custom VCF, you may provide the full path to the vcf in place of the CeNDR release date. This custom VCF will be used for BOTH GWA mapping and fine-mapping steps (instead of the imputed vcf).


A tab-delimited formatted (.tsv) file that contains trait information. Each phenotype file should be in the following format (replace trait_name with the phenotype of interest):

strain trait_name_1 trait_name_2
JU258 32.73 19.34
ECA640 34.065378 12.32
... ... ...
ECA250 34.096 23.1

Optional Mapping Parameters

  • --species - Choose between c_elegans (DEFAULT), c_tropicalis or c_briggsae

  • --sthresh - This determines the signficance threshold required for performing post-mapping analysis of a QTL. BF corresponds to Bonferroni correction, EIGEN corresponds to correcting for the number of independent markers in your data set, and user-specified corresponds to a user-defined threshold, where you replace user-specified with a number. For example --sthresh=4 will set the threshold to a -log10(p) value of 4. We recommend using the strict BF correction as a first pass to see what the resulting data looks like. If the pipeline stops at the summarize_maps process, no significant QTL were discovered with the input threshold. You might want to consider lowering the threshold if this occurs. (Default: BF)

  • --mediation - 'true' or 'false' input for whether or not to run the mediation analysis (overlapping expression variation with phenotypic variation to drive a QTL). (Default: true)

  • --out - A user-specified output directory name. (Default: Analysis_Results-{date})

  • --group_qtl - QTL within this distance of each other (bp) will be grouped as a single QTL by Find_GCTA_Intervals_*.R. (Default: 1000)

  • --ci_size - The number of markers for which the detection interval will be extended past the last significant marker in the interval. (Default: 150)

  • --maf - The minor allele frequency for filtering variants to use for gwas mapping (default 0.05)

Genomatrix Profile

This profile takes a list of strains and outputs the genotype matrix but does not perform any other analysis for the genome-wide association.

nextflow run -profile genomatrix --vcf 20210121 --strains input_data/elegans/phenotypes/strain_file.tsv


CeNDR release date for the VCF file with variant data (i.e. "20210121") Hard-filter VCF will be used for the GWA mapping and imputed VCF will be used for fine mapping. If this flag is not used, the most recent VCF for the C. elegans species will be downloaded from CeNDR. Alternatively, you could choose to provide the full path to a custom VCF


A file (.tsv) that contains a list of strains used for generating the genotype matrix. There is no header:


Simulations Profile

This profile uses simulations to establish GWA performance benchmarks. Users can specify the heritability of simulated traits, the number of QTL underlying simulated traits of interest, the strains the user intends to use in a prospective GWA mapping experiment, or the location of previously detected QTL. Understanding the null expectations of GWA mappings within given parameter spaces may provide experimenters with additional guidance before initiating an experiment, or serve as a validation tool for previous mappings.

nextflow -profile simulations --vcf 20210121 --simulate_nqtl input_data/all_species/simulate_nqtl.csv --simulate_reps 2 --simulate_h2 input_data/all_species/simulate_h2.csv --simulate_eff input_data/all_species/simulate_effect_sizes.csv --simulate_strains input_data/all_species/simulate_strains.tsv --out example_simulation_output
module load R/3.6.3
Rscript bin/Assess_Simulated_Mappings.R example_simulation_output


CeNDR release date for the VCF file with variant data (i.e. "20210121") Hard-filter VCF will be used for the GWA mapping and imputed VCF will be used for fine mapping. If this flag is not used, the most recent VCF for the C. elegans species will be downloaded from CeNDR.


A single column CSV file that defines the number of QTL to simulate (format: one number per line, no column header) (Default is provided: input_data/all_species/simulate_nqtl.csv).


The number of replicates to simulate per number of QTL and heritability (Default: 2).


A CSV file with phenotype heritability. (format: one value per line, no column header) (Default is located: input_data/all_species/simulate_h2.csv).


A CSV file specifying a range of causal QTL effects. QTL effects will be drawn from a uniform distribution bound by these two values. If the user wants to specify Gamma distributed effects, the value in this file can be simply specified as "gamma". (format: one value per line, no column header) (Default is located: input_data/all_species/simulate_effect_sizes.csv).


A TSV file specifying the population in which to simulate GWA mappings. Multiple populations can be simulated at once, but causal QTL will be drawn independently for each population as a result of minor allele frequency and LD pruning prior to mapping. (format: one line per population; supplied population name and a comma-separated list of each strain in the population) (Default is located: input_data/all_species/simulate_strains.tsv).

Optional Simulation Parameters

  • --simulate_maf - A single column CSV file that defines the minor allele frequency threshold used to filter the VCF prior to simulations (Default: 0.05).

  • --simulate_qtlloc - A .bed file specifying genomic regions from which causal QTL are to be drawn after MAF filtering and LD pruning. (format: CHROM START END for each genomic region, with no header. NOTE: CHROM is specified as NUMERIC, not roman numerals as is convention in C. elegans)(Default is located: input_data/all_species/simulate_locations.bed).

  • --group_qtl - QTL within this distance of each other (bp) will be grouped as a single QTL by Find_GCTA_Intervals_*.R. (Default: 1000)

  • --ci_size - The number of markers for which the detection interval will be extended past the last significant marker in the interval. (Default: 150)

Annotations Profile (in development)

nextflow --vcf 20210121 -profile annotations --species briggsae --wb_build WS270

  • --species - specifies what species information to download from WormBase (options: elegans, briggsae, tropicalis).

  • --wb_build - specifies what WormBase build to download annotation information from (format: WSXXX, where XXX is a number greater than 270 and less than 277).

GWA Mapping with Docker Profile

This profile uses a docker image instead of local conda environments to perform the GWA mapping. Use this profile if you have issue with conda on QUEST or if you are running the pipeline outside of quest. NOTE: Docker or singularity is required


module load singularity
nextflow run andersenlab/nemascan --traitfile <file> --vcf 20210121 -profile mappings_docker

Local make sure you have installed docker and that it is actively running. See here for help.

nextflow run andersenlab/nemascan --traitfile <file> --vcf 20210121 -profile local

Input Data Folder Structure (NemaScan/input_data)

  ├── rename_chromosomes
  ├── simulate_effect_sizes.csv
  ├── simulate_h2.csv
  ├── simulate_maf.csv
  ├── simulate_nqtl.csv
  ├── simulate_strains.tsv
  └── simulate_locations.bed
c_elegans (repeated for c_tropicalis and c_briggsae)
  └── genotypes  
      ├── test_vcf
      ├── test_vcf_index
      └── test_bcsq_annotation
  └── phenotypes
      ├── PC1.tsv
      ├── strain_file.tsv
      └── test_pheno.tsv
  └── annotations
      ├── GTF file
      └── refFlat file
  └── isotypes
      ├── div_isotype_list.txt
      ├── divergent_bins.bed
      ├── divergent_df_isotype.bed
      ├── haplotype_df_isotype.bed
      └── strain_isotype_lookup.tsv

Mapping Output Folder Structure

  ├── strain_issues.txt
  └── pr_traitname.tsv
  ├── Genotype_Matrix.tsv
  └── total_independent_tests.txt
  └── Raw
      ├── traitname_lmm-exact_inbred.fastGWA
      └── traitname_lmm-exact.loco.mlma
  └── Processed
      ├── traitname_AGGREGATE_qtl_region.tsv
      ├── processed_traitname_AGGREGATE_mapping.tsv
      └── QTL_peaks.tsv
  └── ManhattanPlots
      └── traitname_manhattan.plot.png
  └── LDPlots
      └── traitname_LD.plot.png (if > 1 QTL detected)
  └── EffectPlots
      ├── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_LOCO_effect.plot.png (if detected)
      └── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_INBRED_effect.plot.png (if detected)
  └── Data             
      ├── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_bcsq_genes.tsv
      ├── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_ROI_Genotype_Matrix.tsv
      ├── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_finemap_inbred.fastGWA
      └── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_LD.tsv
  └── Plots   
      ├── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_finemap_plot.pdf
      └── traitname_[QTL.INFO]_gene_plot_bcsq.pdf
  ├── all_QTL_bins.bed
  ├── all_QTL_div.bed
  ├── div_isotype_list.txt
  └── haplotype_in_QTL_region.txt
  ├── NemaScan_Report_traitname_main.html
  └── NemaScan_Report_traitname_main.Rmd

Phenotypes folder

  • strain_issues.txt - Output of any strain names that were changed to match vcf (i.e. isotypes that are not reference strains)
  • pr_traitname.tsv - Processed phenotype file for each trait. This is the file that goes into the mapping

Genotype_Matrix folder

  • Genotype_Matrix.tsv - LD-pruned genotype matrix used for GWAS and construction of kinship matrix
  • total_independent_tests.txt - number of independent tests determined through spectral decomposition of the genotype matrix

Mapping folder


  • traitname_lmm-exact_inbred.fastGWA - Raw mapping results from GCTA's fastGWA program using an inbred kinship matrix
  • traitname_lmm-exact.loco.mlma - Raw mapping results from GCTA's mlma program using a kinship matrix constructed from all chromosomes except for the chromosome containing each tested variant


  • traitname_AGGREGATE_mapping.tsv - Combined processed mapping results from lmm-exact_inbred and lmm-exact.loco.mlma raw mappings. Contains additional information nested such as 1) rough intervals (see parameters for calculation) and estimates of the variance explained by the detected QTL 2) phenotype information and genotype status for each strain at the detected QTL.
  • traitname_AGGREGATE_qtl_region.tsv - Contains only QTL information for each mapping. If no QTL are detected, an empty data frame is written.
  • QTL_peaks.tsv - contains QTL information for each mapping for all traits combined.


  • traitname_manhattan.plot.png - Standard output for GWA; association of marker differences with phenotypic variation in the population.
  • traitname_LD.plot.png - If more than 1 QTL are detected for a trait, a plot showing the linkage disequilibrium between each QTL is generated.
  • traitname_[QTL.INFO]_INBRED_effect.plot.png - Phenotypes for each strain are plotted against their marker genotype at the peak marker for each QTL detected for a trait. The dot representing each strain is shaded according to the percentage of the chromosome containing the QTL that is characterized as a selective sweep region.

Fine_Mappings folder

  • traitname_bcsq_genes.tsv - Fine-mapping data frame for all significant QTL
  • traitname_qtlinterval_finemap_plot.pdf - Fine map plot of QTL interval, colored by marker LD with the peak QTL identified from the genome-wide scan
  • traitname_qtlinterval_gene_plot.pdf - variant annotation plot overlaid with gene CDS for QTL interval

Simulation Output Folder Structure

  ├── [strain_set]_[MAF]_Genotype_Matrix.tsv
  └── [strain_set]_[MAF]_total_independent_tests.txt
  ├── NemaScan_Performance.example_simulation_output.RData
  └── [specified effect range (simulate_effect_sizes.csv)]
      └── [specified number of simulated QTL (simulate_nqtl.csv)]
          └── Mappings
              ├── [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_processed_LMM_EXACT_INBRED_mapping.tsv
              ├── [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_processed_LMM_EXACT_LOCO_mapping.tsv
              ├── [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_lmm-exact_inbred.fastGWA
              └── [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_lmm-exact.loco.mlma
          └── Phenotypes
              ├── [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_sims.phen
              └── [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_sims.par
  └── (if applicable) [NEXT specified effect range]
      └── ...
  └── (if applicable) [NEXT specified effect range]
      └── ...

Genotype_Matrix folder

  • *Genotype_Matrix.tsv - pruned LD-pruned genotype matrix used for GWAS and construction of kinship matrix. This will be appended with the chosen minor allele frequency cutoff and strain set, as they are generated separately for each strain set.
  • *total_independent_tests.txt - number of independent tests determined through spectral decomposition of the genotype matrix. This will be also be appended with the chosen minor allele frequency cutoff and strain set, as they are generated separately for each strain set.


  • NemaScan_Performance.*.RData - RData file containing all simulated and detected QTL from each successful simulated mapping. Contains: 1. Simulated and Detected status for each QTL. 2. Minor allele frequency and simulated or estimated effect for each QTL. 3. Detection interval according to specified grouping size and CI extension. 4. Estimated variance explained for each detected QTL. 5. Simulation parameters and the algorithm used for that particular regime.


  • As with the mapping profile, raw and processed mappings for each simulation regime are nested within folders corresponding each specified effect range and number of simulated QTL. QTL region files are not provided in the simulation profile; this information along with other information related to mapping performance are iteratively gathered in the generation of the performance .RData file.


  • [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_sims.phen - Simulated strain phenotypes for each simulation regime.
  • [nQTL]_[rep]_[h2]_[MAF]_[effect range]_[strain_set]_sims.par - Simulated QTL effects for each simulation regime. NOTE: Simulation regimes with identical numbers of simulated QTL, replicate indices, and simulated heritabilities should have identical simulated QTL and effects.