
The Andersen Lab makes use of Quest, the supercomputer at Northwestern. Take some time to read over the overview of what Quest is, what it does, how to use it, and how to sign up:

Quest Documentation


New to the command line? Check out the quick and dirty bash intro or this introduction first!

New Users

To gain access to Quest:

Register new user with your NetID here.

Apply to be added to partition b1059 here. Allocation manager: Erik Andersen,

Apply to be added to partition b1042 here. Allocation manager: Janna Nugent,

Quest has its Slack channel: (here) and help email: for users to get help.

Signing into Quest

After you gain access to the cluster you can login using:

ssh <netid>

To avoid typing in the password everytime, one can set up a ssh key.

I recommend setting an alias in your ~/.bash_profile to make logging in quicker:

alias quest="ssh <netid>"

The above line makes it so you simply type quest and the login process is initiated.

If you are not familiar with what a bash profile is, take a look at this.


When you login it is important to be conscientious of the fact that you are on a login node. You should not be running any sort of heavy duty operation on these nodes. Instead, any analysis you perform should be submitted as a job or run using an interactive job (see below).

Login Nodes

There are four login nodes we use: quser21-24. When you login you will be assigned to a random login node. You can switch login nodes by typing ssh and the node desired (e.g. ssh quser21).


When using screen to submit and run jobs they will only persist on the login node you are currently on. If you log out and later log back in you may be logged in to a different login node. You will need to switch to that login node to access those screen sessions.

Home Directory

Logging in places you in your home directory. You can install software in your home directory for use when you run jobs, or for small files/analysis.

Your home directory has a quota of 80 Gb. More information on quotas, storage, etc. You can check your storgae space using the following command:

du -hs *

More information is provided below to help install and use software.

Projects and Queues

Quest is broadly organized into projects (or partitions). Projects have associated with them storage, nodes, and users.

The Andersen lab has access to two projects.

b1042 - The 'Genomics' Project has 200 Tb of space and 100 nodes associated with it. This space is shared with other labs and is designed for temporary use only (covered in greater detail in the Nextflow Section). The space is available at /projects/b1042/AndersenLab/. By default, files are deleted after 30 days. One can submit jobs to --partition=genomicsguestA to use this partition, with a max job duration of 48hr.

b1059 - The Andersen Lab Project. b1059 has 5 computing nodes qnode9031-qnode9033 (192Gb of RAM and 40 cores eacy) and qnode0277-qnode0278 (192Gb of RAM and 52 cores each), and has 77 Tb of storage. b1059 storage is located at: /projects/b1059/ (Check out this page to learn more about how data is stored on b1059). One can submit jobs to --partition=b1059 to use this partition, with no limit on job duration.


Anyone who uses quest should build your own project folder under /projects/b1059/projects with your name. You should only write and revise files under your project folder. You can read/copy data from b1059 but don't write any data out of your project folder.


It is important that we keep the 77 Tb of storage space on b1059 from filling up with extraneous or intermediate files. It is good practice to clean up old data/files and backup important data at least every few months. You can check the percent of space remaining with checkproject b1059

Running interactive jobs on Quest

If you are running a few simple commands or want to experiment with files directly you can start an interactive session on Quest. The command below will give you access to a node where you can run your commands

srun -A b1042 --partition=genomicsguestA -N 1 -n 24 --mem=64G --time=12:00:00 --pty bash -i 


Do not run commands for big data on quser21-24. These are login nodes and are not meant for running heavy-load workflows.

Using screen or nohup to keep jobs from timing out

If you have ever tried to run a pipeline or script that takes a long time (think NemaScan), you know that if you close down your terminal or if your QUEST session logs out, it will cause your jobs to end prematurely. There are several ways to avoid this:


Perhaps the most common way to deal with scripts that run for a long time is screen. For the most simple case use, type screen to open a new screen session and then run your script like normal. Below are some more intermediate commands for taking full advantage of screen:

  • screen -S <some_descriptive_name>: Use this command to name your screen session. Especially useful if you have several scren sessions running and/or want to get back to this particular one later.
  • Ctrl+a follwed by Ctrl+d to detach from the current screen session (NOT Ctrl+a+d!)
  • exit to end the current screen session
  • screen -ls lists the IDs of all screen sessions currently running
  • screen -r <screen_id>: Use this command to resume a particular screen session. If you only have one session running you can simply use screen -r


When using screen on QUEST, take note that screen sessions are only visible/available when you are logged on to the particular node it was created on. You can jump between nodes by simply typing ssh and the login node you want (e.g. ssh quser22).


Another way to avoid SIGHUP errors is to use nohup. nohup is very simple to use, simply type nohup before your normal command and that's it!

nohup nextflow run

Running a command with nohup will look a little different than usual because it will not print anything to the console. Instead, it prints all console outputs into a file in the current directory called nohup.out. You can redirect the output to another filename using:

nohup nextflow run > cegwas_{date}_output.txt

When you exit this window and open a new session, you can always look at the contents of the output file using cat nohup.out to see the progress.


You can also run nohup in the background to continue using the same window for other processes by running nohup nextflow run &.

Using packages already installed on Quest

Quest has a collection of packages installed. You can run module avail to see what packages are currently available on Quest. You can use module load bcftools or module load bcftools/1.10.1 to load packages with the default or a specific version (module add does the same thing). If you do echo $PATH before and after loading modules, you can see what module does is simply appending paths to the packages into your $PATH so the packages can be found in your environment.

module purge will remove all loaded packages and can be helpful to try when troubleshooting.


You can also load/install software packages into conda environments for use with a specific project/pipeline. Check out the conda tutorial here.

Submitting jobs to Quest

Jobs on Quest are managed by SLURM. While most of our pipelines are managed by Nextflow, it is useful to know how to submit jobs directly to SLURM. Below is a template to submit an array job to SLURM that will run 10 parallel jobs. One can run it with sbatch If you dig into the Nextflow working directory, you can see Nextflow actually generates such scripts and submits them to SLURM on your behalf. Thanks, Nextflow!

#SBATCH -J name                # Name of job
#SBATCH -A b1042               # Allocation
#SBATCH -p genomicsguestA      # Queue
#SBATCH -t 24:00:00            # Walltime/duration of the job (hh:mm:ss)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1      # Number of cores (= processors = cpus) for each task
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3G       # Memory per core needed for a job
#SBATCH --array=0-9            # number of parallel jobs to run counting from 0. Make sure to change this to match total number of files.

# make a list of all the files you want to process
# this script will run a parallel process for each file in this list

# take the nth ($SGE_TASK_ID-th) file in name_list
# don't change this line

# then do your operation on this file
Output=`echo $Input | sed 's/.bam/.sam/'`

Monitoring SLURM Jobs on Quest

Here are some commmon commands used to interact with SLURM and check on job status. For more, check out this page.

  • squeue -u <netid> to check all jobs of a user.

  • scancel <jobid> to cancel a job. scancel {30000..32000} to cancel a range of jobs (job id between 30000 and 32000).

  • sinfo | grep b1059 to check status of nodes. alloc means all cores on a node are completed engaged; mix means some cores on a node are engaged; idle means all cores on a node are available to accept jobs.