
The wi-gatk pipeline filters and calls variants from wild isolate sequence data.

Pipeline Overview

    _______ _______ _______ __  __      _______ _______ 
    |     __|   _   |_     _|  |/  |    |    |  |    ___|
    |    |  |       | |   | |     <     |       |    ___|
    |_______|___|___| |___| |__|\\__|    |__|____|___|    

    parameters                 description                           Set/Default
    ==========                 ===========                           ========================
    --debug                    Use --debug to indicate debug mode    null
    --output                   Release Directory                     WI-{date}
    --sample_sheet             Sample sheet                          null
    --bam_location             Directory of bam files                /projects/b1059/data/{species}/WI/alignments/
    --mito_name                Contig not to polarize hetero sites   MtDNA

    Reference Genome
    --reference_base           Location of ref genomes               /projects/b1059/data/{species}/genomes/
    --species/project/build    These 4 params form --reference       {species} / {project} / {ws_build}

    Variant Filters         
    --min_depth                Minimum variant depth                 5
    --qual                     Variant QUAL score                    30
    --strand_odds_ratio        SOR_strand_odds_ratio                 5
    --quality_by_depth         QD_quality_by_depth                   20
    --fisherstrand             FS_fisher_strand                      100
    --high_missing             Max % missing genotypes               0.95
    --high_heterozygosity      Max % max heterozygosity              0.10


Software Requirements

  • The latest update requires Nextflow version 20.0+. On QUEST, you can access this version by loading the nf20 conda environment prior to running the pipeline command:
module load python/anaconda3.6
source activate /projects/b1059/software/conda_envs/nf20_env

Alternatively you can update Nextflow by running:

nextflow self-update

Relevant Docker Images

  • andersenlab/gatk4 (link): Docker image is created within this pipeline using GitHub actions. Whenever a change is made to env/gatk4.Dockerfile or .github/workflows/build_docker.yml GitHub actions will create a new docker image and push if successful
  • andersenlab/r_packages (link): Docker image is created manually, code can be found in the dockerfile repo.

To access these docker images, first load the singularity module on QUEST.

module load singularity

Also, make sure that you add the following code to your ~/.bash_profile. This line makes sure that any singularity images you download will go to a shared location on b1059 for other users to take advantage of (without them also having to download the same image).

# add singularity cache
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR='/projects/b1059/singularity/'


Note: if you are having issues running Nextflow or need reminders, check out the Nextflow page.


The nextflow.config file included with this pipeline contains three profiles. These set up the environment for testing local development, testing on Quest, and running the pipeline on Quest.

  • local - Used for local development. Uses the docker container.
  • debug - Runs a small subset of available test data. Should complete within a couple of minutes. For testing/diagnosing issues on Quest.
  • quest - Runs the entire dataset.


If you forget to add a -profile, the quest profile will be chosen as default

Running the pipeline locally

When running locally, the pipeline will run using the andersenlab/gatk4 docker image. You must have docker installed.

nextflow run andersenlab/wi-gatk -profile local -resume

Debugging the pipeline on Quest

When running on Quest, you should first run the quest debug profile. The Quest debug profile will use a test dataset and sample sheet which runs much faster and will encounter errors much sooner should they need to be fixed. If the debug dataset runs to completion it is likely that the full dataset will as well.

nextflow run andersenlab/wi-gatk -profile debug -resume

Running the pipeline on Quest

The pipeline can be run on Quest using the following command:

nextflow run andersenlab/wi-gatk -profile quest --sample_sheet <path_to_sheet>


Most configuration is handled using the -profile flag and nextflow.config; If you want to fine tune things you can use the options below.


The sample sheet is automatically generated from alignment-nf. The sample sheet contains 5 columns as detailed below:

strain bam bai coverage percent_mapped
AB1 AB1.bam AB1.bam.bai 64 99.4
AB4 AB4.bam AB4.bam.bai 52 99.2
BRC20067 BRC20067.bam BRC20067.bam.bai 30 92.5


It is essential that you always use the pipelines and scripts to generate this sample sheet and NEVER manually. There are lots of strains and we want to make sure the entire process can be reproduced.


The sample sheet produced from alignment-nf is only for strains that you ran in the alignment pipeline most recently. If you want to combine old strains with new strains, you will have to combine two or more sample sheets. If you are running a species-wide analysis for CeNDR, please follow the notes in the full WI protocol here

--bam_location (optional)

Path to directory holding all the alignment files for strains in the analysis. Defaults to /projects/b1059/data/{species}/WI/alignments/


Remember to move your bam files output from alignment-nf to this location prior to running wi-gatk. In most cases, you will want to run wi-gatk on all samples, new and old combined.

--species (optional)

default = c_elegans

Options: c_elegans, c_briggsae, or c_tropicalis

--project (optional)

default = PRJNA13758

WormBase project ID for selected species. Choose from some examples here

--ws_build (optional)

default = WS283

WormBase version to use for reference genome.

--reference (optional)

A fasta reference indexed with BWA. On Quest, the reference is available here:



If running on QUEST, instead of changing the reference parameter, opt to change the species, project, and ws_build for other species like c_briggsae (and then the reference will change automatically)

--mito_name (optional)

Name of contig to skip het polarization. Might need to change for other species besides c_elegans if the mitochondria contig is named differently. Defaults to MtDNA.

--output (optional)

A directory in which to output results. By default it will be WI-YYYYMMDD where YYYYMMDD is todays date.


The final output directory looks like this:

├── variation
│   ├── *.hard-filter.vcf.gz
│   ├── *.hard-filter.vcf.tbi
│   ├── *.hard-filter.stats.txt
│   ├── *.hard-filter.filter_stats.txt
│   ├── *.soft-filter.vcf.gz
│   ├── *.soft-filter.vcf.tbi
│   ├── *.soft-filter.stats.txt
│   └── *.soft-filter.filter_stats.txt
└── report
    ├── multiqc.html
    └── multiqc_data
        └── multiqc_*.json

Data Storage


The hard-filter.vcf is the input for both the concordance-nf pipeline and the post-gatk-nf pipeline. Once both pipelines have been completed successfully, the hard and soft filter vcf and index files (everything output in the variation folder) can be moved to /projects/b1059/data/{species}/WI/variation/{date}/vcf.