Setting up CeNDR

Clone the repo

Clone the repo first.

git clone http://www.github.com/andersenlab/cendr

Switch to the development branch

git checkout --track origin/development

Setup a python environment

Use miniconda as it will make your life much easier.

The conda environment has been specified in the env.yaml file, and can be installed using:

conda env create -f env.yaml

Download and install the gcloud-sdk

Install the gcloud-sdk

Create a cendr gcloud configuration

gcloud config configurations create cendr

Install direnv

direnv allows you to load a configuration file when you enter the development directory. Please read about how it works. CeNDR uses a .envrc file within the repo to set up the appropriate environmental variables.

Once direnv is installed you can run direnv allow within the CeNDR repo:

direnv allow

Test flask

With direnv enabled, you are nearly able to run the site locally.

Run flask, and you should see the following:

> flask
Usage: flask [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A general utility script for Flask applications.

  Provides commands from Flask, extensions, and the application. Loads the
  application defined in the FLASK_APP environment variable, or from a
  wsgi.py file. Setting the FLASK_ENV environment variable to 'development'
  will enable debug mode.

    $ export FLASK_APP=hello.py
    $ export FLASK_ENV=development
    $ flask run

  --version  Show the flask version
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  decrypt_credentials  Decrypt credentials
  download_db          Download the database (used in docker...
  initdb               Initialize the database
  routes               Show the routes for the app.
  run                  Run a development server.
  shell                Runs a shell in the app context.
  update_credentials   Update credentials
  update_strains       Updates the strain table of the database

If you do not see the full set of commands there - something is broken.

Setup Credentials

  1. Authenticate with gcloud.
  2. Run the following command:
mkdir -p env_config
flask decrypt_credentials

This will create a directory with the site credentials (env_config). Keep these secret.



Load the database

The site uses an SQLite database that can be setup by running:

flask download_db

This will update the SQLite database used by CeNDR (base/cendr.db). The tables are:

  • homologs - A table of homologs+orthologs.
  • strain - Strain info pulled from the google spreadsheet C. elegans WI Strain Info.
  • wormbase_gene - Summarizes gene information; Broken into component parts (e.g. exons, introns etc.).
  • wormbase_gene_summary - Summarizes gene information. One line per gene.
  • metadata - tracks how data was obtained. When. Where. etc.

Test the site

You can at this point test the site locally by running:

flask run

Be sure you have direnv. Otherwise you should source the .envrc file prior to running:

source .envrc
flask run

Creating a new release

Before a new release is possible, you must have first completed the following tasks:

See Add new sequence data for further details.

  1. Add new wild isolate sequence data, and process with the trimmomatic-nf pipeline.
  2. Identified new isotypes using the concordance-nf
  3. Updated the C. elegans WI Strain Info spreadsheet, adding in new isotypes.
  4. Update the release column to reflect the release data in the C. elegans WI Strain Info spreadsheet
  5. Run and process sequence data with the wi-nf pipeline.

Pushing a new release requires a series of steps described below.

Uploading BAMs

You will need AWS credentials to upload BAMs to Amazon S3. These are available in the secret credentials location.

pip install aws-shell
aws configure # Use s3 user credentials

Once configured, navigate to the BAM location on b1059.

cd /projects/b1059/data/alignments/WI/isotype
# CD to bams folder...
aws s3 sync . s3://elegansvariation.org/bam

Run this command in screen to ensure that it completes (it's going to take a while)

Uploading Release Data

When you run the wi-nf pipeline it will create a folder with the format WI-YYYYMMDD. These data are output in a format that CeNDR can read as a release. You must upload the WI-YYYYMMDD folder to google storage with a command that looks like this:

# First cd to the path of the results folder (WI-YYYYMMDD) from the `wi-nf` pipeline.
gsutil rsync . gs://elegansvariation.org/releases/YYYYMMDD/


Use rsync to copy the files up to google storage. Note that the WI- prefix has been dropped from the YYYYMMDD declaration.

Bump the CeNDR version number and change-log

Because we are creating a new data release, we need to "bump" or move up the CeNDR version. The CeNDR version number is specified in a file at the base of the repo: travis.yml. Modify this line:

- export VERSION_NUM=1-2-8

And increase the version number by 1 (e.g. 1-2-9).

You should also update the change log and/or add a news item. The change-log is a markdown file located at base/static/content/help/Change-Log.md; News items are located at base/static/news/. Look at existing content to get an idea of how to add new items. It is fairly straightforward. You should be able to see changes on the test site.

Adding the release to the CeNDR website

After the site is loaded, the BAMs and release data are up, and the database is updated, you need to modify the file base/constants.py to add the new release. The date must match the date of the release that was uploaded. Add your release with the appropriate date and the annotation database used (e.g. ("YYYYMMDD", "Annotation Database")).

RELEASES = [("20180413", "WS263"),
            ("20170531", "WS258"),
            ("20160408", "WS245")]

Commit your changes to the development branch of CeNDR and push them to github. Once pushed, travis-ci will build the app and deploy it to a test branch. Use the google app engine interface to identify and test the app.

If everything looks good open a pull request bringing the changes on the development branch to the master branch. Again, travis-ci will launch the new site.


You need to shut down development instances and older versions of the site on the google-app engine interface once you are done testing/deploying new instances to prevent us from incurring charges for those running instances.

Adding isotype images

Isolation photos are initially prepared on dropbox and are located in the folder here:


Each file should be named using the isotype name and the strain name strain name in the following format:


Then you will use imagemagick (a commandline-based utility) to scale the images down to 1000 pixels (width) and generate a 150px thumbnail.

for img in `ls *.jpg`; do
    convert ${img} -density 300 -resize 1000 ${img}
    convert ${img} -density 300 -resize 150  ${img/.jpg/}.thumb.jpg

Once you have generated the images you can upload them to google storage. They should be uploaded to the following location:


You can drag/drop the photos using the web-based browser or use gsutil:

# First cd to the appropriate directory
# cd ~/Dropbox/Andersenlab/Reagents/WormReagents/isolation_photos/c_elegans

gsutil rsync -x ".DS_Store" . gs://elegansvariation.org/photos/isolation

The script for processing files is located in the dropbox folder and is called 'process_images.sh'. It's also here:

for img in `ls *.jpg`; do
    convert ${img} -density 300 -resize 1000 ${img}
    convert ${img} -density 300 -resize 150  ${img/.jpg/}.thumb.jpg

# Copy using rsync; Skip .DS_Store files.
gsutil rsync -x ".DS_Store" . gs://elegansvariation.org/photos/isolation

Update the current variant datasets.

The current folder located in gs://elegansvariation.org/releases contains the latest variant datasets and is used by WormBase to display natural variation data. Once you've completed a new release, update the files in this folder gs://elegansvariation.org/releases/current folder.

Updating Publications

The publications page (/about/publications) is generated using a google spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be accessed here. You can request access to edit the spreadsheet by visiting that link.

The last row of the spreadsheet contains a function that can fetch publication data from Pubmed using its API. Simply fill in column A with the PMID (Pubmed Identifier), and the publication data will be fetched.

Once you have retrieved the latest pubmed data, create a new row and copy/paste the values for any new publications so they are not fetched from the Pubmed API.

Alternatively, you can fill in the details for a publication manually. In either case, any details added should be double checked. Changes should be instant, but there may be some dely on the CeNDR website.