
JB Collins USDA Postdoctoral Fellow
jcolli95@jh.eduI am interested in ascarid anthelmintic resistance.

Nikita Jhaveri Postdoctoral Researcher
njhaver4@jh.eduI am interested in C. briggsae quantitative and population genetics.

Ayeh Khorshidian Research Technician
akhorsh1@jhu.eduI am purifying DNA and RNA for short- and long-read sequencing.

Ryan McKeown Graduate Student
ryanmckeown2021@u.northwestern.eduI work on population genomics of selfing Caenorhabditis species.

Nicolas Moya Graduate Student
nmoya1@jh.eduI am interested in genome assembly and de novo gene models.

Mike Sauria Research Associate Professor
mike.sauria@jhu.eduI manage CaeNDR data releases, pipeline construction, and other computational projects

Amanda Shaver NIH Postdoctoral Fellow
amanda.shaver@jhu.eduI am interested in the genes that cause emodepside resistance in wild nematodes.

Robyn Tanny Research Associate Professor
robyn.tanny@jhu.eduI manage our strain collection, generate sequencing libraries, and manage CaeNDR. I also handle incoming collection samples to identify new strains of C. elegans.

Bowen Wang Postdoctoral Researcher
bwang97@jhu.eduI am interested in metagenomics and wild nematode microbiomes.

Cassia Yeo Research Technician
jyeo9@jh.eduI aid in sequencing library construction and high-throughput assays.
Former member | Current Status | |
Steffen Hahnel | Post-doctoral Researcher, 2017-2018 | Senior Principal Expert (Parasitology) at Boehringer Ingelheim |
Briana Rodriguez | Research Associate, 2016-2018 | Research technician, clinical psychology |
Daniel Cook | Graduate Student, 2014-2018 | Programmer at Google |
Mostafa Zamanian | Post-doctoral Researcher, 2015-2017 | Associate Professor at UW Madison Zamanian Lab Website |
Kreena Patel | Undergraduate and Research Technician, 2013-2016 | Medical resident, Arizona |
Kristen Laricchia | Computational Specialist, 2014-2016 | Associate computational biologist in the MacArthur Lab |
Joshua Roberts | Undergraduate Developer, 2015-2016 | Motivate International |
Tyler Shimko | Undergraduate, summers 2013, 2014, 2015 | CEO, Trident Bioscience |
Sarah Giuliani | Laboratory Manager, 2013-2015 | Assistant Lab Manager, Clean Stock Center at Ball Horticultural Company |
Sam Rosenberg | Research Technician, 2013-2015 | AP Biology teacher, Valor College Prep |
Bryn Gaertner | Postdoctoral Researcher, 2014 | Prescott Medical Communications Group |
Shannon Brady | Graduate Student, 2015-2019 | Consultant at Boston Consulting Group |
Stefan Zdraljevic | Graduate Student, 2014-2019 | Post-doctoral researcher, Kruglyak lab at UCLA |
Heechul (Ryan) Chung | QSB Masters Student, 2019 | Computational biologist at Asan Medical Center |
Daehan Lee | Post-doctoral Researcher, 2018-2020 | Assistant Professor at Sungkyunkwan University |
Ye Wang | Graduate Student, 2017-2019 | Assistant Research Fellow, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, China |
Lewis Stevens | Postdoctoral Researcher, 2019-2020 | Senior Bioinformatician, Blaxer lab at the Sanger Institute |
Dan Lu | Staff Bioinformaticist | COVID Testing Lab Tech |
Nicole Roberto | Research Technician | Nexus Pharmaceuticals |
Claire Buchanan | Research Technician | Technician at Loyola Univ. |
Clay Dilks | Graduate Student | Scientist I at Evozyne |
Kathryn Evans | Bioinformaticist | Bioinformaticist, Precision Biosciences, Inc. |
Shriram Bhat | Visting Masters Student | Graduate Student at UIUC |
Sam Widmayer | Postdoctoral Researcher | Associate Computational Scientist at The Jackson Laboratory |
Caroline Bond | QSB Masters Student | IBiS graduate student |
Sophia Gibson | Research technician | Graduate student in Genome Sciences at the Univ. of Washington |
Joy Nyaanga | Bioinformaticist | Bioinformaticists at Lurie Childrens Hospital |
Gaotian Zhang | Postdoctoral Researcher | Post-doctoral researcher in Marie-Anne Felix lab in ENS-Paris |
Lizzie Trzupek | Research Technician | Technician in the Wignall Lab (Northwestern U) |
Lauren Seeley | Research Technician | High school biology/chemistry teacher |
Faruk Dube | Visiting Graduate Student | Graduate student at Swedish University |
Emily Koury | Lab manager | Lab manager in the Wignall lab |
Tim Crombie | Postdoctoral Researcher | Assistant Professor at the Florida Institute of Technology |
Tom Volpe | Senior Research Scientist | Technician in Morimoto Lab |
Logan Eckhoff | Research Technician, 2019 | |
Anita Huang | Biotechnology Masters Student, 2019-2020 | |
Sol Retamales | Visiting Graduate Student | |
Etta Schaye | Research Technician | |
Loraina Stinson | Graduate Student | |
Jose Luis Tellez | Postdoctoral Researcher | |
Janneke Wit | Postdoctoral Researcher |